
Your 9 DVDs are absolutely amazing info for anyone in woodworking.
Watching them over and over and keep learning new things! The good info never ends!
Alexey – NSW, Australia

I have all of Scott’s DVD’s and think they are great.
I especially like his first three DVD’s dealing with sharpening and setting up your tools. I still view these DVD’s to reaffirm my workshop methods. Being a hobbyist woodworker my actions do not become second nature as, I’m sure, someone’s would become if engaged in the field on a daily basis. My woodworking experience would have been accelerated and more pleasurable (and certainly cheaper) had I seen the DVD’s sooner.

Admittedly, I discovered Scott’s DVD’s when I really needed some help making sense of all the information I had discovered in podcasts, books and internet browsing. I would probably have bought fewer tools on eBay and produced fewer iron filings by only sharpening once and effectively.
The remaining DVD’s showcase the building of a beautiful sideboard. Scott constructs his piece of furniture explaining all facets of the build, even showing how to make and fit the wooden door stops, catches and handles. Making and fitting drawers is also covered in depth. He uses both hand tools and a limited number of machines, although there is little video footage of Scott using power tools. Scott delivers his message with passion and enthusiasm and there is a genuine feel that he wants you to gain from his knowledge to better enjoy your woodworking.
If you are a hobbyist woodworker who needs to make sense of hand tool methods and maintenance or wants to build more complex pieces but lacks the knowledge and confidence to do so then investigate Scott’s DVD’s (and his website).

As a disclaimer: I am a non-tradesperson, hobbyist woodworker. It took me years to realise furniture fits together better if you start with correctly milled timber. I receive no gain from sharing my views on these DVD’s. I am not related to Scott. I paid full price for my DVD’s. I am also enthusiastic about other DVD’s and publications that have helped me enjoy my hobby. Using sharp, well tuned tools is so much better (than what I was using before). I still have lots more I want to experience and learn.
Paul H – WA, Australia

I just watched a couple of your dvd’s and think they are the best intructional dvd’s I’ve seen. I’m just starting out and getting a workshop together so watching how you use your hand planes was awesome. I’m now going to be spending less on sandpaper.
Brett R – WA, Australia

Hello Scott,
Thank you for the DVD’s. They are just great. I got them quickly after you posted them They are excellent – the ABC of fine furniture making! And you present really well, quiet and with a sympathetic voice, and clear! You know the Americans are really difficult to understand for a European whose mother language is not English. You are perfect! Thank you, I love them. And then I appreciate the details nobody speaks about, like the settings of the Tormek grinder, the frog setting of the plane, the fastening the top of the cabinet, taking the actual season in account.
Bruno V – Switzerland

Got your 3 Dvds you sent last week to Boston. I am watching your Dvd on refining the Record no. 7. My old no. 7 Bailey is not as nice because the knives have to come off to move the frog. Thank you substituting DVD #2 for #7. I enjoy your meticulous explanations of the woodworking process.
David K – Massachusetts, USA

I would like to say a huge thanks as I recently purchased all of your DVD’s and they are awsome I should have bought them a long time ago.
Michael M – NSW, Australia

Hi Scott,i received your fabulous dvds last night. I had a chance to see the first one. Congratulations your tips are brilliant and I am willing to learn many things from you. The thing that really gets me is that with wood you seem to talk and have feelings more than a woman…..I hope I find some time to see the rest and I would like you to let me know when the other dvds are out so I can get them strait away. It’s amazing I never thought that they were that good.
Camillo M – Rome, Italy